Our Online Store is run solely by volunteers. We try our best to get the orders out as quickly as we can but there might be a delay.
If your order is urgent please email us at info@milossanctuary.org to let us know.
Thank you for your support & patience.

The Mission of Milo's Sanctuary, Inc.
Milo's Sanctuary is a no-kill special needs cat rescue. We take in those that have physical disabilities, seniors, have been abused, injured orare suffering from a terminal illness. These special needs often prevent them from being adopted into a “normal” home.
For these cats, we provide a LifetimeCare Program by giving them a permanent home and any medical care that they may need to live out the remainder of their natural lives in a safe, loving and healthy environment.
To ensure that these cats receive everything they need for a quality of life we have a sponsorship program where anyone can sponsor one of our Lifetime Care Cats.
Our cats come to us from all types of situations and countries, such as local shelters (rescued on their last day), displaced animals from homes that can no longer keep them or those that are sick, injured, abused or abandoned.
It is our ongoing mission to continue our program of rescuing special needs cats and kittens and to ensure that the cats currently in our LifetimeCare Program receive all necessary medical care throughout their lives.
We strongly believe in education as a tool to combat the abandonment of cats that result from their owner’s lack of understanding and fear of dealing with their cats special needs. To further this end, we have links on our website to information regarding special needs cats and their care, as well as offering personal helpful advice and handouts through our website, Facebook Page, and at our Sanctuary.
All proceeds raised from our online store go directly to the care of the Lifetime Care Cats.